spark-ec2 does not directly support adding instances to an existing
cluster, apart from the special case of adding slaves to a cluster with a
master but no slaves. There is an open issue to track adding this support,
SPARK-2008 <>, but it
doesn't have any momentum at the moment.

Your best bet currently is to do what you did and hack your way through
using spark-ec2's various scripts.

You probably already know this, but to be clear, note that Spark itself
supports adding slaves to a running cluster. It's just that spark-ec2
hasn't implemented a feature to do this work for you.


On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 2:27 PM Dillian Murphey <>

> It appears works on a running cluster.  I'm surprised I
> can't find more info on this. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough?
> Using AWS and spot instances is incredibly more efficient, which begs for
> the need of dynamically adding more nodes while the cluster is up, yet
> everything I've found so far seems to indicate it isn't supported yet.
> But yet here I am with 1.5 and it at least appears to be working. Am I
> missing something?
> On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Dillian Murphey <>
> wrote:
>> What's the current status on adding slaves to a running cluster?  I want
>> to leverage spark-ec2 and autoscaling groups.  I want to launch slaves as
>> spot instances when I need to do some heavy lifting, but I don't want to
>> bring down my cluster in order to add nodes.
>> Can this be done by just running
>> What about using Mesos?
>> I just want to create an AMI for a slave and on some trigger launch it
>> and have it automatically add itself to the cluster.
>> thanks

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