Did you ever get to the bottom of this? I have some users working with Spark in a classroom setting and our example notebooks run into problems where there is so much spilled to disk that they run out of quota. A 1.5G input set becomes >30G of spilled data on disk. I looked into how I could unpersist the data so I could clean up the files, but I was unsuccessful.

We're using Spark 1.5.0


On 16/07/15 23:18, Stahlman, Jonathan wrote:
Hello all,

I am running the Spark recommendation algorithm in MLlib and I have been studying its output with various model configurations. Ideally I would like to be able to run one job that trains the recommendation model with many different configurations to try to optimize for performance. A sample code in python is copied below.

The issue I have is that each new model which is trained caches a set of RDDs and eventually the executors run out of memory. Is there any way in Pyspark to unpersist() these RDDs after each iteration? The names of the RDDs which I gather from the UI is:


I am using Spark 1.3.  Thank you for any help!


data_train, data_cv, data_test = data.randomSplit([99,1,1], 2)
  functions = [rating] #defined elsewhere
  ranks = [10,20]
  iterations = [10,20]
  lambdas = [0.01,0.1]
  alphas  = [1.0,50.0]

  results = []
for ratingFunction, rank, numIterations, m_lambda, m_alpha in itertools.product( functions, ranks, iterations, lambdas, alphas ):
    #train model
ratings_train = l: Rating( l.user, l.product, ratingFunction(l) ) ) model = ALS.trainImplicit( ratings_train, rank, numIterations, lambda_=float(m_lambda), alpha=float(m_alpha) )

    #test performance on CV data
ratings_cv = l: Rating( l.uesr, l.product, ratingFunction(l) ) )
    auc = areaUnderCurve( ratings_cv, model.predictAll )

    #save results
result = ",".join(str(l) for l in [ratingFunction.__name__,rank,numIterations,m_lambda,m_alpha,auc])


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