Oops - I meant while it is *busy* when I said while it is *idle*.

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 11:35 AM Ben Roling <ben.rol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm curious to see the feedback others will provide.  My impression is the
> only way to get Spark to give up resources while it is idle would be to use
> the preemption feature of the scheduler you're using in YARN.  When another
> user comes along the scheduler would preempt one or more Spark executors to
> free the resources the user is entitled to.  The question becomes how much
> inefficiency the preemption creates due to lost work that has to be redone
> by the Spark job.  I'm not sure the best way to generalize a thought about
> how big of a deal that would be.  I imagine it depends on several factors.
> On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 9:31 AM David Fox <dafox7777...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Spark experts,
>> We are currently evaluating Spark on our cluster that already supports
>> MRv2 over YARN.
>> We have noticed a problem with running jobs concurrently, in particular
>> that a running Spark job will not release its resources until the job is
>> finished. Ideally, if two people run any combination of MRv2 and Spark
>> jobs, the resources should be fairly distributed.
>> I have noticed a feature called "dynamic resource allocation" in Spark
>> 1.2, but this does not seem to be solving the problem, because it releases
>> resources only when Spark is IDLE, not while it's BUSY. What I am looking
>> for is similar approch to MapReduce where a new user obtains fair share of
>> resources
>> I haven't been able to locate any further information on this matter. On
>> the other hand, I feel this must be pretty common issue for a lot of users.
>> So,
>>    1. What is your experience when dealing with multitenant (multiple
>>    users) Spark cluster with YARN?
>>    2. Is Spark architectually adept to support releasing resources while
>>    it's busy? Is this a planned feature or is it something that conflicts 
>> with
>>    the idea of Spark executors?
>> Thanks

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