Thanks Cody.  My case is #2. Just wanted to confirm when you say different
spark jobs, do you mean one  spark-submit per topic, or just use different
threads in the driver to submit the job?


On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 8:05 AM, Cody Koeninger <> wrote:

> Spark streaming by default wont start the next batch until the current
> batch is completely done, even if only a few cores are still working.  This
> is generally a good thing, otherwise you'd have weird ordering issues.
> Each topicpartition is separate.
> Unbalanced partitions can happen either because 1. your hash while
> producing into kafka is bad (e.g. hash on customer id and 90% of your
> traffic is from one customer);  or 2. because you're doing a map over
> several topics with wildly different message rates.  If you're having the
> first problem, you just need to fix it.  If you're having the second
> problem, use different spark jobs for different topics.
> On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 2:28 PM, Neelesh <> wrote:
>> @Chris,
>>     There is a 1-1 mapping b/w spark partitions & kafka partitions out of
>> the box . One can break it by repartitioning of course and add more
>> parallelism, but that has its own issues around consumer offset management-
>>  when do I commit the offsets, for example. While its trivial to increase
>> the number of Kafka partitions to achieve higher parallelism, it is
>> inherently static and cannot solve the problem of traffic bursts.  If it
>> were possible to repartition data from a single kafka partition and still
>> be able to handle consumer offset management when all child partitions that
>> make up the kafka partition succeeded/failed, it would solve the problem.
>> @Cody, would love to hear your thoughts around this.
>> On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Chris Fregly <> wrote:
>>> separating out your code into separate streaming jobs - especially when
>>> there are no dependencies between the jobs - is almost always the best
>>> route.  it's easier to combine atoms (fusion), then split them (fission).
>>> I recommend splitting out jobs along batch window, stream window, and
>>> state-tracking characteristics.
>>> for example, imagine 3 separate jobs for the following:
>>> 1) light storing of raw data into Cassandra (500ms batch interval)
>>> 2) medium aggregations/window roll ups (2000ms batch interval)
>>> 3) heavy training a ML model (10000ms batch interval).
>>> and reminder that you can control (isolate or combine) the spark
>>> resources used by these separate, single purpose streaming jobs using
>>> scheduler pools just like your batch spark jobs.
>>> @cody:  curious about neelesh's question, as well.  does the Kafka
>>> Direct Stream API treat each Kafka Topic Partition separately in terms of
>>> parallel retrieval?
>>> more context:  within a Kafka Topic partition, Kafka guarantees order,
>>> but not total ordering across partitions.  this is normal and expected.
>>> so I assume the the Kafka Direct Streaming connector can retrieve (and
>>> recover/retry) from separate partitions in parallel and still maintain the
>>> ordering guarantees offered by Kafka.
>>> if this is true, then I'd suggest @neelesh create more partitions within
>>> the Kafka Topic to improve parallelism - same as any distributed,
>>> partitioned data processing engine including spark.
>>> if this is not true, is there a technical limitation to prevent this
>>> parallelism within the connector?
>>> On Dec 19, 2015, at 5:51 PM, Neelesh <> wrote:
>>> A related issue -  When I put multiple topics in a single stream, the
>>> processing delay is as bad as the slowest task in the number of tasks
>>> created. Even though the topics are unrelated to each other, RDD at time
>>> "t1" has to wait for the RDD at "t0"  is fully executed,  even if most
>>> cores are idling, and  just one task is still running and the rest of them
>>> have completed. Effectively, a lightly loaded topic gets the worst deal
>>> because of a heavily loaded topic
>>> Is my understanding correct?
>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 9:53 AM, Cody Koeninger <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> You could stick them all in a single stream, and do mapPartitions, then
>>>> switch on the topic for that partition.  It's probably cleaner to do
>>>> separate jobs, just depends on how you want to organize your code.
>>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 11:11 AM, Jean-Pierre OCALAN <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Cody,
>>>>> First of all thanks for the note about spark.streaming.concurrentJobs.
>>>>> I guess this is why it's not mentioned in the actual spark streaming doc.
>>>>> Since those 3 topics contain completely different data on which I need
>>>>> to apply different kind of transformations, I am not sure joining them
>>>>> would be really efficient, unless you know something that I don't.
>>>>> As I really don't need any interaction between those streams, I think
>>>>> I might end up running 3 different streaming apps instead of one.
>>>>> Thanks again!
>>>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 11:43 AM, Cody Koeninger <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Using spark.streaming.concurrentJobs for this probably isn't a good
>>>>>> idea, as it allows the next batch to start processing before current one 
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> finished, which may have unintended consequences.
>>>>>> Why can't you use a single stream with all the topics you care about,
>>>>>> or multiple streams if you're e.g. joining them?
>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 3:00 PM, jpocalan <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Nevermind, I found the answer to my questions.
>>>>>>> The following spark configuration property will allow you to process
>>>>>>> multiple KafkaDirectStream in parallel:
>>>>>>> --conf spark.streaming.concurrentJobs=<something greater than 1>
>>>>>>> --
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