I am new to spark.
 I have a text filewith below structure.
 (employeeID: Int, Name: String, ProjectDetails:JsonObject{[{ProjectName, 
Description, Duriation, Role}]})Eg:(123456, Employee1, {“ProjectDetails”:[      
                                                  {“ProjectName”: “Web 
Develoement”, “Description” : “Online Sales website”,“Duration” : “6 Months” , 
“Role” : “Developer”}                                                         { 
“ProjectName”: “Spark Develoement”, “Description” : “Online SalesAnalysis”, 
“Duration” : “6 Months” , “Role” : “Data Engineer”}                             
                            { “ProjectName”: “Scala Training”, “Description” : 
“Training”,“Duration” : “1 Month” }                                             
            ]                                               }  Could someone 
help me to parse & flatten the record asbelow dataframe using scala? 
employeeID,Name, ProjectName, Description, Duration, Role123456, Employee1, Web 
Develoement, Online Sales website, 6Months , Developer123456, Employee1, Spark 
Develoement, Online Sales Analysis,6 Months, Data Engineer123456, Employee1, 
Scala Training, Training, 1 Month, null 
Thank you in advance.

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