On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 5:24 PM, Oleg Ruchovets <oruchov...@gmail.com>

> I thought script tries to install hadoop / hdfs also. And it looks like it
> failed. Installation is only standalone spark without hadoop. Is it correct
> behaviour?

Yes, it also sets up two HDFS clusters. Are they not working? Try to see if
Spark is working by running some simple jobs on it. (See

There is no program called Hadoop. If you mean YARN, then indeed the script
does not set up YARN. It sets up standalone Spark.

> Also errors in the log:
>    ERROR: Unknown Tachyon version
>    Error: Could not find or load main class crayondata.com.log

As long as Spark is working fine, you can ignore all output from the EC2
script :).

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