Can you provide the analyzed and optimized plans (explain(true))

On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 12:26 PM, Srikanth <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a use case where one large table has to be joined with several
> smaller tables.
> I've added broadcast hint for all small tables in the joins.
>     val largeTableDF ="com.databricks.spark.csv")
>     val metaActionDF ="json")
>     val cidOrgDF ="com.databricks.spark.csv")
>     val metaLocationDF =
>                                    .join(broadcast(metaActionDF),
> "campaign_id")
>                                    .join(broadcast(cidOrgDF),
> List("organization_id"), "left_outer")
>     val metaCreativeDF ="json")
>     val metaExchangeDF ="json")
>     val localizationDF ="com.databricks.spark.csv")
>     val techKeyDF ="com.databricks.spark.csv")
>     val joinedBidderDF ="BID")
>                             .join(broadcast(metaLocationDF),
> "strategy_id")
>                             .join(broadcast(metaCreativeDF), "creative_id")
>                             .join(broadcast(metaExchangeDF),
> $"exchange_id" === $"id" , "left_outer")
>                             .join(broadcast(techKeyDF).as("TK"),
> $"BID.tech_id" === $"TK.tech_key" , "left_outer")
>                             .join(broadcast(localizationDF).as("BL"),
> $"BID.language" === $"" , "left_outer")
> When I look at the execution plan, all the joins are marked as
> broadcastjoin.
> But when I look at the spark job UI, the DAG visualization shows that some
> joins are sortmerged with shuffle involved.
> The ones that I've highlighted in yellow were shuffled.
> DAG can be viewed here -
> Why is the actual execution as seen in the DAG different from the physical
> plan pasted below.
> I'm trying not to shuffle my largeTable. Any idea what is causing this?
> == Physical Plan ==
> BroadcastHashOuterJoin [language#61], [id#167], LeftOuter, None
> :- BroadcastHashOuterJoin [tech_id#59], [tech_key#170], LeftOuter, None
> :  :- BroadcastHashOuterJoin [cast(exchange_id#13 as bigint)], [id#143L],
> LeftOuter, None
> :  :  :- Project [...]
> :  :  :  +- BroadcastHashJoin [cast(creative_id#9 as bigint)],
> [creative_id#131L], BuildRight
> :  :  :     :- Project [...]
> :  :  :     :  +- BroadcastHashJoin [cast(strategy_id#10 as bigint)],
> [strategy_id#127L], BuildRight
> :  :  :     :     :- ConvertToUnsafe
> :  :  :     :     :  +- Scan
> CsvRelation(<function0>,Some(file:///shared/data/bidder/*.lzo),false,
> :  :  :     :     +- Project [...]
> :  :  :     :        +- BroadcastHashOuterJoin [organization_id#90L],
> [cast(organization_id#102 as bigint)], LeftOuter, None
> :  :  :     :           :- Project [...]
> :  :  :     :           :  +- BroadcastHashJoin [campaign_id#105L],
> [campaign_id#75L], BuildRight
> :  :  :     :           :     :- Project [...]
> :  :  :     :           :     :  +- Scan
> JSONRelation[id#112L,name#115,campaign_id#105L] InputPaths:
> file:/shared/data/t1_meta/t1_meta_strategy.jsonl
> :  :  :     :           :     +- Scan JSONRelation[] InputPaths:
> file:/shared/data/t1_meta/t1_meta_campaign.jsonl
> :  :  :     :           +- ConvertToUnsafe
> :  :  :     :              +- Scan
> CsvRelation(<function0>,Some(file:///shared/data/t1_meta/cid-orgs.txt),false,,,
> :  :  :     +- Scan
> JSONRelation[creative_id#131L,creative_name#132,concept_id#129L,concept_name#130]
> InputPaths: file:/shared/data/t1_meta/t1_meta_creative.jsonl
> :  :  +- Scan JSONRelation[description#142,id#143L,name#144] InputPaths:
> file:/shared/data/t1_meta/t1_meta_exchange.jsonl
> :  +- ConvertToUnsafe
> :     +- Scan
> CsvRelation(<function0>,Some(file:///shared/data/t1_meta/technology_key.txt),false,
> +- ConvertToUnsafe
>    +- Scan
> CsvRelation(<function0>,Some(file:///shared/data/t1_meta/browser_languages.osv),false
> Srikanth

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