I wouldn't use accumulators for things which could get large, they can
become kind of a bottle neck. Do you have a lot of string messages you want
to bring back or only a few?

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 3:24 PM, Utkarsh Sengar <utkarsh2...@gmail.com>

> I am trying to debug code executed in executors by logging. Even when I
> add log4j's LOG.info(..) inside .map() I don't see it in mesos task logs in
> the corresponding slaves.
> Its anyway inefficient to keep checking multiple slaves for logs.
> One way to deal with this is to push logs to a central location.
> Another way (for debugging purposes) is to use accumulators . Is it
> advisable to use accumulators to push string from executors to driver?
> It will simplify things when I am debugging datasets, bugs which is hard
> to reproduce locally etc.
> Suggestions/comments?
> -Utkarsh

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