
What you describe looks like normal behaviour for almost any Java/Scala 
application - objects are created on the heap until a limit point is reached 
and then GC clears away memory allocated to objects that are no longer 
referenced. Is there an issue you are experiencing?

> On 21 Feb 2016, at 00:37, Walid LEZZAR <walez...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running a Spark Streaming job that pulls data from Kafka (using the 
> direct approach method - without receiver) and pushes it into elasticsearch. 
> The job is running fine but I was suprised once I opened jconsole to monitor 
> it : I noticed that the heap memory is constantly increasing until the GC 
> triggers, and then it restarts increasing again and so on.
> I tried to use a profiler to understand what is happening in the heap. All I 
> found is a byte[] object that is constantly increasing. But no more details. 
> Is there an explanation to that ? Is this behaviour inherent to Spark 
> Streaming jobs ?
> Thanks for your help.

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