
I am using

Cassandra 2.1.5
Spark 1.5.2
Cassandra java-drive 3.0.0
Cassandra-Connector 1.5.0-RC1

All with scala 2.11.7

Nevertheless, I get the following error from my Spark job:

at com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.Schema$.getIndexMap(Schema.scala:198)

I checked that getIndexMap() is present in the version used - it is.

I also decompiled the class TableMetadata directly from the fat jar I am 
deploying. The method is present. The only thing I noticed is that the 
signature the decompiler shows is

public Collection<IndexMetadata> getIndexes() {
and not List<IndexMetadata> - but I guess that is just the recompilation.

I am pretty lost regarding what steps to take to get rid of this error.

Can anyone provide a clue?


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