Hi there,
I've been doing some performance tuning of our Spark application, which is
using Spark 1.2.1 standalone. I have been using the spark metrics to graph
out details as I run the jobs, as well as the UI to review the tasks and

I notice that after my application completes, or is near completion, the UI
"crashes." I get a Connection Refused response. Sometimes, the page
eventually recovers and will load again, but sometimes I end up having to
restart the Spark master to get it back. When I look at my graphs on the
app, the memory consumption (of driver, executors, and what I believe to be
the daemon (spark.jvm.total.used)) appears to be healthy. Monitoring the
master machine itself, memory and CPU appear healthy as well.

Has anyone else seen this issue? Are there logs for the UI itself, and
where might I find those?


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