Here is a code snippet in my spark job. I added the numbers at the start of 
code lines to show the relevant line numbers in exception.

45    val windowedEventCounts = events.reduceByKeyAndWindow(_ + _, _ - _, 30, 
5, filterFunc = filterFunction)
        val usefulEvents = windowedEventCounts.filter { case (event, count) => 
{ count > requestThreshold } }
70    usefulEvents.foreachRDD(events => { ... })

Every once in a while, I see this error in my log files.

org.apache.spark.SparkException: Checkpoint RDD ReliableCheckpointRDD[28052] at 
foreachRDD at EventProcessor.scala:70(103) has different number of partitions 
from original RDD MapPartitionsRDD[28050] at reduceByKeyAndWindow at 

Has anyone seen this issue and under what circumstances will it exception occur?

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