Hi Stuti,

     You can try local mode but not spark master or yarn mode if python-2.7
is not installed on all Spark Worker / NodeManager machines. To run with
master mode

   1. Check whether user is able to access python2.7
   2. Check if you have installed python-2.7 in all NodeManager machines /
Spark Worker machines and restarted

  Executor running inside Spark Worker is able to get the full path of
python2.7. But inside NodeManager, executor does not find the python2.7
even though the script is in PATH. To make NodeManager find the path, set
the full path of python-2.7 like below in pyspark script.


Prabhu Joseph

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 11:52 AM, Stuti Awasthi <stutiawas...@hcl.com>

> Hi All,
> I have a Centos cluster (without any sudo permissions) which has by
> default Python 2.6. Now I have installed Python2.7 for my user account and
> did the changes in bashrc so that Python2.7 is picked up by default. Then I
> have set the following properties in bashrc inorder to launch spark shell
> using Python 2.7 but its not working.
> Bashrc details :
> alias python='/home/stuti/Python/bin/python2.7'
> alias python2='/home/stuti/Python/bin/python2.7'
> export PYSPARK_PYTHON=/home/stuti/Python/bin/python2.7
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/stuti/Python/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
> Also it is to be noted that Spark cluster is configured with different
> user account and I have not installed python2.7 on all the nodes in the
> cluster as I don’t have permission access.
> So is there any way that I can launch my spark shell using Python2.7.
> Please suggest
> Thanks &Regards
> Stuti Awasthi
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