
I have a pair RDD of the form: (mykey, (value1, value2))

How can I create a DataFrame having the schema [V1 String, V2 String] to store [value1, value2] and save it into a Parquet table named "mykey"?

/createDataFrame()/ method takes an RDD and a schema (StructType) in parameters. The schema is known up front ([V1 String, V2 String]), but getting an RDD by partitioning the original RDD based on the key is what I can't get my head around so far.

Similar questions have been around (like http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25046199/apache-spark-splitting-pair-rdd-into-multiple-rdds-by-key-to-save-values) but they do not use DataFrames.

Thanks in advance!

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