bq. getServletHandlers is not intended for public use

>From MetricsSystem.scala :

private[spark] class MetricsSystem private (

Looks like there is no easy way to extend REST API.

On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 1:09 PM, Sebastian Kochman <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a question: is there a way to extend Spark REST API with
> higher-level, application-specific handlers? (exposing additional
> information, like app-specific metrics, but also taking some actions within
> an app)
> Yes, I could host my own REST endpoint within an app, but then I have to
> solve the problem of advertising that endpoint to the client. The app will
> be deployed on YARN, so the port cannot be fixed (since multiple AMs can
> run on a single machine). Spark's REST API endpoint is already "advertised"
> by YARN RM to the client, so I was hoping I could just add to it.
> I tried calling sparkContext.metricsSystem.getServletHandlers, but the
> Jetty dependencies are shaded (I guess so the application could use a
> different version of Jetty), so its de-facto signature is as follows:
>     public org.spark-project.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler[]
> getServletHandlers();
> (note the org.spark-project package)
> when I add the Jetty dependency (org.eclipse.jetty...) to my
> project, it compiles but during runtime it throws:
>     java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
> org.apache.spark.metrics.MetricsSystem.getServletHandlers()[Lorg/eclipse/jetty/servlet/ServletContextHandler;
> So it seems to me that getServletHandlers is not intended for public use -
> correct?
> Is there any other way to extended Spark's REST API?
> I would appreciate your help!
> Thanks,
> Sebastian

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