Have you added the slave host name to $SPARK_HOME/conf?

Then you can use start-slaves.sh or stop-slaves.sh for all instances

The assumption is that slave boxes have $SPARK_HOME installed in the same
directory as $SPARK_HOME is installed in the master.


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

LinkedIn * 


On 28 March 2016 at 22:06, Sung Hwan Chung <coded...@cs.stanford.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
> I found that I could dynamically add/remove new workers to a running
> standalone Spark cluster by simply triggering:
> start-slave.sh (SPARK_MASTER_ADDR)
> and
> stop-slave.sh
> E.g., I could instantiate a new AWS instance and just add it to a running
> cluster without needing to add it to slaves file and restarting the whole
> cluster.
> It seems that there's no need for me to stop a running cluster.
> Is this a valid way of dynamically resizing a spark cluster (as of now,
> I'm not concerned about HDFS)? Or will there be certain unforeseen problems
> if nodes are added/removed this way?

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