You're right that there's some duplicate distance computations happening in
the implementation I mentioned. I ran into the kinds of issues you
describe, and I ended up accepting the duplicate computational work in
exchange for significantly reduced memory usage. I couldn't figure out a
way to avoid materializing the pairs (to save shuffle size and memory)
while also avoiding duplicate distance computations. I'd be very curious to
know if there is one, though!

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016, 11:22 PM nguyen duc tuan <> wrote:

> I see this implementation before. The problem here is that: If after
> several hashes, if a pair of points appears K times in a bucket (with
> respect to K hashes), the distance needs to be computed K times, and total
> the data needs to shuffled will upto K times. So it deduce to my problem.
> I'm trying new approach and I think It will be better than my original
> approach:
> val part1 = => (x._1, x)).join(rdd2).map(_._2)
> val part2 = => (x._2, x)).join(rdd2).map(_._2)
> val distances = part1.join(part2).mapValues(v => measure.compute(v._1,
> v._2))
> And I'm sorry for uggly title of email. I forgot to check it before send.
> 2016-04-28 10:10 GMT+07:00 Karl Higley <>:
>> One idea is to avoid materializing the pairs of points before computing
>> the distances between them. You could do that using the LSH signatures by
>> building (Signature, (Int, Vector)) tuples, grouping by signature, and then
>> iterating pairwise over the resulting lists of points to compute the
>> distances between them. The points still have to be shuffled over the
>> network, but at least the shuffle doesn't create multiple copies of each
>> point (like a join by point ids would).
>> Here's an implementation of that idea in the context of finding nearest
>> neighbors:
>> Best,
>> Karl
>> On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 10:22 PM nguyen duc tuan <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Currently, I'm working on implementing LSH on spark. The problem leads
>>> to follow problem. I have an RDD[(Int, Int)] stores all pairs of ids of
>>> vectors need to compute distance and an other RDD[(Int, Vector)] stores all
>>> vectors with their ids. Can anyone  suggest an efficiency way to compute
>>> distance? My simple version that I try first is as follows but it's
>>> inefficient because it require a lot of shuffling data over the network.
>>> rdd1: RDD[(Int, Int)] = ..
>>> rdd2: RDD[(Int, Vector)] = ...
>>> val distances = rdd2.cartesian(rdd2)
>>>       .map(x => ((x._1._1, x._2._1), (x._1._2, x._2._2)))
>>>       .join( => (x, 1))
>>>       .mapValues(x => {
>>>          measure.compute(x._1._1, x._1._2)
>>>       })
>>> Thanks for any suggestion.

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