Thanks for you answer. Unfortunately I'm bound to Kafka
nihed mbarek <> írta:
>Hi, Are you using a new version of kafka  ? if yessince 0.9 auto.offset.reset 
>parameter take :earliest: automatically reset the offset to the earliest 
>offsetlatest: automatically reset the offset to the latest offsetnone: throw 
>exception to the consumer if no previous offset is found for the 
>consumer&#39;s groupanything else: throw exception to the 
>consumer.  Regards, On Tue, Jul 5, 
>2016 at 2:15 PM, Bruckwald Tamás <> wrote:

>>Hello, I&#39;m writing a Spark (v1.6.0) batch job which reads from a Kafka 
>>For this I can use org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.KafkaUtils#createRDD 
>>however, I need to set the offsets for all the partitions and also need to 
>>store them somewhere (ZK? HDFS?) to know from where to start the next batch 
>>job.What is the right approach to read from Kafka in a batch job? I&#39;m 
>>also thinking about writing a streaming job instead, which reads from 
>>auto.offset.reset=smallest and saves the checkpoint to HDFS and then in the 
>>next run it starts from that.But in this case how can I just fetch once and 
>>stop streaming after the first batch? I posted this question on StackOverflow 
>>recently ( but got no answer 
>>there, so I&#39;d ask here as well, hoping that I get some ideas on how to 
>>resolve this issue.
>> Thanks - Bruckwald

>M&#39;BAREK Med Nihed,
>Fedora Ambassador, TUNISIA, Northern Africa

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