Hi, Andrew, I've got lots of materials when asking google for "*spark
performance test*"

   - https://github.com/databricks/spark-perf
   - http://people.cs.vt.edu/~butta/docs/tpctc2015-sparkbench.pdf

On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 11:40 AM, Andrew Ehrlich <and...@aehrlich.com> wrote:

> Hi group,
> What solutions are people using to do performance testing and tuning of
> spark applications? I have been doing a pretty manual technique where I lay
> out an Excel sheet of various memory settings and caching parameters and
> then execute each one by hand. It’s pretty tedious though, so I’m wondering
> what others do, and if you do performance testing at all.  Also, is anyone
> generating test data, or just operating on a static set? Is regression
> testing for performance a thing?
> Andrew
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