Spark's implementation does perform PAVA on each partition only to then collect each result to the driver and to perform PAVA again on the collected results. The hope of that is, that enough data is pooled, so that the the last step does not exceed the drivers memory limits. This assumption does of course not generally hold. Just consider what happens, if the data is already correctly sorted. In that case nothing is pooled and model size roughly equals data size. Spark's IR model saves boundaries and predictions as double arrays instead, so the (unpooled) data has to fit into memory.

Am 11.07.2016 um 17:06 schrieb Yanbo Liang:
IsotonicRegression can handle feature column of vector type. It will extract the a certain index (controlled by param "featureIndex") of this feature vector and feed it into model training. It will perform Pool adjacent violators algorithms on each partition, so it's distributed and the data is not necessary to fit into memory of a single machine.
The following code snippets can work well on my machine:

|val labels = Seq(1, 2, 3, 1, 6, 17, 16, 17, 18) val dataset = spark.createDataFrame( { case (label, i) => (label, Vectors.dense(Array(i.toDouble, i.toDouble + 1.0)), 1.0) } ).toDF("label", "features", "weight") val ir = new IsotonicRegression().setIsotonic(true) val model = val predictions = model .transform(dataset) .select("prediction") { case Row(pred) => pred }.collect() assert(predictions === Array(1, 2, 2, 2, 6, 16.5, 16.5, 17, 18)) |


2016-07-11 6:14 GMT-07:00 Fridtjof Sander < <>>:

    Hi Swaroop,

    from my understanding, Isotonic Regression is currently limited to
    data with 1 feature plus weight and label. Also the entire data is
    required to fit into memory of a single machine.
    I did some work on the latter issue but discontinued the project,
    because I felt no one really needed it. I'd be happy to resume my
    work on Spark's IR implementation, but I fear there won't be a
    quick for your issue.


    Am 08.07.2016 um 22:38 schrieb dsp:

        Hi I am trying to perform Isotonic Regression on a data set
        with 9 features
        and a label.
        When I run the algorithm similar to the way mentioned on MLlib
        page, I get
        the error saying

        /*error:* overloaded method value run with alternatives:
           (input: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(scala.Double, scala.Double,
          cannot be applied to
        (org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(scala.Double, scala.Double,
        scala.Double, scala.Double, scala.Double, scala.Double,
        scala.Double, scala.Double, scala.Double, scala.Double,
                  val model = new

        For the may given in the sample code, it looks like it can be
        done only for
        dataset with a single feature because run() method can accept
        only three
        parameters leaving which already has a label and a default
        value leaving
        place for only one variable.
        So, How can this be done for multiple variables ?


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