
I have launched my cluster and I am trying to submit my application to run
on cluster but its not allowing me to connect . It prompts  the following
error "*Master endpoint
<http://ec2-54-187-59-117.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7077/>** was not
a REST server.*" The command I use to run my application on cluster is

*" /spark-1.6.1/bin/spark-submit --master
spark://ec2-54-200-193-107.us-west-  **2.compute.amazonaws.com:7077
<http://2.compute.amazonaws.com:7077/>** --deploy-mode cluster --class BFS
target/scala-  2.10/scalaexample_2.10-1.0.jar "*

Am i missing something ? Your help will be highly appreciated .

*P.S * *I have even tried adding inbound rule to my master node but still
no success.*


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