HI all
 i was wondering if anyone can help with this
I Have created a spark cluster before using spark_ec2.py script from Spark
that by default uses a very old AMI... so i decided to try to launch the
script with a more up to date
the one i have used is ami-d732f0b7, which refers to Ubuntu Server 14.04
LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type

I have lauched the script as follows

./spark-ec2  --key-pair=ec2AccessKey --identity-file ec2AccessKey.pem
--region=us-west-2 --ami ami-d732f0b7 launch my-spark-cluster

but i am gettign this exception:

Non-Windows instances with a virtualization type of 'hvm' are currently not
supported for this instance type.

which seems a bizarre exception to me as , in spark_ec2.py , instance
m1.large (the one used to create spark master and nodes) is associated with

"m1.large":    "pvm"

has anyone found similar issue? any suggestion on how can i use a custom
AMI when creating a spark cluster?

kind regards

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