Yes, this is a change in Spark 2.0.  you can take a look at 

In the latest Spark On Yarn documentation 
<> for Spark 2.0, there 
is updated description for --num-executors:
> spark.executor.instances      2       The number of executors for static 
> allocation. Withspark.dynamicAllocation.enabled, the initial set of executors 
> will be at least this large.
You can disable the dynamic allocation for an application by specifying “--conf 
spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=false” in the command line.

> On Jul 28, 2016, at 15:44, LONG WANG <> wrote:
> Hi Spark Experts,
>                           Today I tried Spark 2.0 on YARN and also enabled 
> Dynamic Resource Allocation feature, I just find that no matter I specify 
> --num-executor in spark-submit command or not, the Dynamic Resource 
> Allocation is used, but I remember when I specify --num-executor option in 
> spark-submit command in Spark 1.6, the Dynamic Resource Allocation feature 
> will not be used/effect for that job. And I can see below log in Spark 1.6 .
>                             <截图1.png>
>                           Is this a behavior change in Spark 2.0? And How can 
> I disable Dynamic Resource Allocation for a specific job submission 
> temporarily as before? 
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