
I would like to find out when it was the last time I paid a company with
Debit Card

This is the way I do it.

1) Find the date when I paid last
2) Find the rest of details from the row(s)


scala> var maxdate =
maxdate: org.apache.spark.sql.Row = [2015-12-15]

OK so it was 2015-12-15

Now I want to get the rest of the columns. This one works when I hard code
the maxdate!

scala> ll_18740868.filter(col("transactiondescription").contains(HASHTAG)
&& col("transactiondate") === "2015-12-15").select("transactiondate",
"transactiondescription", "debitamount").show
|     2015-12-15|  XYZ LTD CD 4636 |      10.95|

Now if I want to use the var maxdate in place of "2015-12-15", how would I
do that?

I tried lit(maxdate) etc but they are all giving me error?

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unsupported literal type class
org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRowWithSchema [2015-12-15]


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