Russell Is correct here.

micro-batch means it does processing within a window. In general there are
three things here.

batch window

This is the basic interval at which the system with receive the data in
batches. This is the interval set when creating a StreamingContext. For
example, if you set the batch interval as 30 seconds, then any input
DStream will generate RDDs of received data at 30 second intervals.

Within streaming you have what is called "a window operator" which is
defined by two parameters -

- WindowDuration / WindowsLength - the length of the window
- SlideDuration / SlidingInterval - the interval at which the window will
slide or move forward


batch window = 30 secconds
window length = 10 minutes
sliding interval = 5 minutes

In that case, you would be creating an output every 5 minutes, aggregating
data that you were collecting every 30 seconds over a previous 10
minutes period of time

In general depending what you are doing you can tighten above parameters.
For example if you are using Spark Streaming for Anti-fraud detection, you
may stream data in at 2 seconds batch interval, Keep your windows length at
4 seconds and your sliding intervall = 2 seconds which gives you a kind of
tight streaming. You are aggregating data that you are collecting over the
batch Window.


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

LinkedIn *

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On 23 August 2016 at 17:34, Russell Spitzer <>

> Spark streaming does not process 1 event at a time which is in general I
> think what people call "Streaming." It instead processes groups of events.
> Each group is a "MicroBatch" that gets processed at the same time.
> Streaming theoretically always has better latency because the event is
> processed as soon as it arrives. While in microbatching the latency of all
> the events in the batch can be no better than the last element to arrive.
> Streaming theoretically has worse performance because events cannot be
> processed in bulk.
> In practice throughput and latency are very implementation dependent
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 8:41 AM Aseem Bansal <> wrote:
>> I was reading this article
>> and it mentioned that spark streaming actually mini-batch not actual
>> streaming.
>> I have not used streaming and I am not sure what is the difference in the
>> 2 terms. Hence could not make a judgement myself.

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