Hi Aris,
thanks for sharing this issue. I can confirm that value classes
currently don't work, however I can't think of reason why they
shouldn't be supported. I would therefore recommend that you report
this as a bug.

(Btw, value classes also currently aren't definable in the REPL. See


On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 1:58 PM, Aris <arisofala...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Spark community -
> Does Spark 2.0 Datasets *not support* Scala Value classes (basically
> "extends AnyVal" with a bunch of limitations) ?
> I am trying to do something like this:
> case class FeatureId(value: Int) extends AnyVal
> val seq = Seq(FeatureId(1),FeatureId(2),FeatureId(3))
> import spark.implicits._
> val ds = spark.createDataset(seq)
> ds.count
> This will compile, but then it will break at runtime with a cryptic error
> about "cannot find int at value". If I remove the "extends AnyVal" part,
> then everything works.
> Value classes are a great performance boost / static type checking feature
> in Scala, but are they prohibited in Spark Datasets?
> Thanks!

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