The basic structured streaming source for Kafka is already committed to
master, build it and try it out.

If you're already using Kafka I don't really see much point in trying to
put Akka in between it and Spark.

On Nov 10, 2016 02:25, "vincent gromakowski" <>

I have already integrated common actors. I am also interested, specially to
see how we can achieve end to end back pressure.

2016-11-10 8:46 GMT+01:00 shyla deshpande <>:

> I am using Spark 2.0.1. I wanted to build a data pipeline using Kafka,
> Spark Streaming and Cassandra using Structured Streaming. But the kafka
> source support for Structured Streaming is not yet available. So now I am
> trying to use Akka Stream as the source to Spark Streaming.
> Want to make sure I am heading in the right direction. Please direct me to
> any sample code and reading material for this.
> Thanks

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