Try setting spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead 10000

On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 11:16 AM, Aniket Bhatnagar <> wrote:

> Hi Spark users
> I am running a job that does join of a huge dataset (7 TB+) and the
> executors keep crashing randomly, eventually causing the job to crash.
> There are no out of memory exceptions in the log and looking at the dmesg
> output, it seems like the OS killed the JVM because of high memory usage.
> My suspicion is towards off heap usage of executor is causing this as I am
> limiting the on heap usage of executor to be 46 GB and each host running
> the executor has 60 GB of RAM. After the executor crashes, I can see that
> the external shuffle manager 
> (
> logs a lot of channel closed exceptions in yarn node manager logs. This
> leads me to believe that something triggers out of memory during shuffle
> read. Is there a configuration to completely disable usage of off heap
> memory? I have tried setting but
> the executor is still getting killed by the same error.
> Cluster details:
> 10 AWS c4.8xlarge hosts
> RAM on each host - 60 GB
> Number of cores on each host - 36
> Additional hard disk on each host - 8 TB
> Spark configuration:
> dynamic allocation enabled
> external shuffle service enabled
> spark.driver.memory 1024M
> spark.executor.memory 47127M
> Spark master yarn-cluster
> Sample error in yarn node manager:
> 2016-11-24 10:34:06,507 ERROR 
> (shuffle-server-50): Error sending result ChunkFetchSuccess{
> streamChunkId=StreamChunkId{streamId=919299554123, chunkIndex=0}, buffer=
> FileSegmentManagedBuffer{file=/mnt3/yarn/usercache/hadoop/
> appcache/application_1479898345621_0006/blockmgr-ad5301a9-e1e9-4723-a8c4-
> 9276971b2259/2c/, offset=0, length=669014456}} to /
>; closing connection
> java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
> Error in dmesg:
> [799873.309897] Out of memory: Kill process 50001 (java) score 927 or
> sacrifice child
> [799873.314439] Killed process 50001 (java) total-vm:65652448kB,
> anon-rss:57246528kB, file-rss:0kB
> Thanks,
> Aniket


[image: Orchard Platform] <>

*Rodrick Brown */ *DevOPs*

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