As I recall, it is in there in the math, but doesn't appear as an explicit
term in the computation. You don't actually materialize the 0 input or the
"c=1" corresponding to them.

Or: do you have a computation that agrees with the paper but not this code?

Put another way, none of this would scale/work if you had to materialize
and compute all of these elements.

On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 5:55 AM Jerry Lam <> wrote:

> Hi Sean,
> I agree there is no need for that if the implementation actually assigns
> c=1 for all missing ratings but from the current implementation of ALS, I
> don't think it is doing that.
> The idea is that for missing ratings, they are assigned to c=1 (in the
> paper) and they do contribute to the optimization of equation (3).
> The lines of code that I'm referring to is:
> {code}
>             if (implicitPrefs) {
>               // Extension to the original paper to handle b < 0.
> confidence is a function of |b|
>               // instead so that it is never negative. c1 is confidence -
> 1.0.
>               val c1 = alpha * math.abs(rating)
>               // For rating <= 0, the corresponding preference is 0. So
> the term below is only added
>               // for rating > 0. Because YtY is already added, we need to
> adjust the scaling here.
>               if (rating > 0) {
>                 numExplicits += 1
>                 ls.add(srcFactor, (c1 + 1.0) / c1, c1)
>               }
>             } else {
>               ls.add(srcFactor, rating)
>               numExplicits += 1
>             }
> {code}
> Regards,
> Jerry
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 3:27 PM, Sean Owen <> wrote:
> That doesn't mean this 0 value is literally included in the input. There's
> no need for that.
> On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 4:24 AM Jerry Lam <> wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> I'm referring to the paper ( Section 2:
> " However, with implicit feedback it would be natural to assign values to
> all rui variables. If no action was observed rui is set to zero, thus
> meaning in our examples zero watching time, or zero purchases on record."
> In the implicit setting, apparently there should have values for all pairs
> (u, i) instead of just the observed ones according to the paper. This is
> also true for other implicit feedback papers I read.
> In section 4, when r=0, p=0 BUT c=1. Therefore, when we optimize the value
> for this pair. (x^Ty)^2 + regularization.
> Do I misunderstand the paper?
> Best Regards,
> Jerry
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 2:43 PM, Sean Owen <> wrote:
> What are you referring to in what paper? implicit input would never
> materialize 0s for missing values.
> On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 3:42 AM Jerry Lam <> wrote:
> Hello spark users and developers,
> I read the paper from Yahoo about CF with implicit feedback and other
> papers using implicit feedbacks. Their implementation require to set the
> missing rating with 0. That is for unobserved ratings, the confidence for
> those is set to 1 (c=1). Therefore, the matrix to be factorized is a dense
> matrix.
> I read the source code of the ALS implementation in spark (version 1.6.x)
> for implicit feedback. Apparently, it ignores rating that is 0 (Line 1159
> in ALS.scala). It could be a mistake or it could be an optimization. Just
> want to see if anyone steps on this yet.
> Best Regards,
> Jerry

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