Thanks a lot Nicholas.  RE: Upgrading, I was afraid someone would suggest that. 
 ☺  Yes we have an upgrade planned, but due to politics, we have to finish this 
first round of ETL before we can do the upgrade.  I can’t confirm for sure that 
this issue would be fixed in Spark >= 1.6 without doing the upgrade first, so I 
won’t be able to win the argument for upgrading yet…  You see the problem…   :(

Anyway, the good news is we just had a memory upgrade, so I should be able to 
do more persisting of the dataframes.  I am currently only persisting the join 
table (the table I am joining to, not the input data).  Although I do cache the 
input at some point before the join, it is not every time I do a split+merge.  
I’ll have to persist the input data better.

Thinking on it now, is it even necessary to cache the table I am joining to?  
Probably only if it is used more than once, right?


From: Nicholas Hakobian []
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2016 5:50 PM
To: Sesterhenn, Mike
Cc: ayan guha;
Subject: Re: Best way to process lookup ETL with Dataframes

Yep, sequential joins is what I have done in the past with similar requirements.

Splitting and merging DataFrames is most likely killing performance if you do 
not cache the DataFrame pre-split. If you do, it will compute the lineage prior 
to the cache statement once (at first invocation), then use the cached result 
to perform the additional join, then union the results. Without the cache, you 
are most likely computing the full lineage twice, all the way back to the raw 
data import and having double the read I/O.

The most optimal path will most likely depend on the size of the tables you are 
joining to. If both are small (compared to the primary data source) and can be 
broadcasted, doing the sequential join will most likely be the easiest and most 
efficient approach. If one (or both) of the tables you are joining to are 
significantly large enough that they cannot be efficiently broadcasted, going 
through the join / cache / split / second join / union path is likely to be 
faster. It also depends on how much memory you can dedicate to caching...the 
possibilities are endless.

I tend to approach this type of problem by weighing the cost of extra 
development time for a more complex join vs the extra execution time vs 
frequency of execution. For something that will execute daily (or more 
frequently) the cost of more development to have faster execution time (even if 
its only 2x faster) might be worth it.

It might also be worth investigating if a newer version of Spark (1.6 at the 
least, or 2.0 if possible) is feasible to install. There are lots of 
performance improvements in those versions, if you have the option of upgrading.


Nicholas Szandor Hakobian, Ph.D.
Senior Data Scientist
Rally Health<>

On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 3:35 PM, Sesterhenn, Mike 
<<>> wrote:

Thanks Nicholas.  It looks like for some of my use cases, I might be able to 
use do sequential joins, and then use coalesce() (or in combination with 
withColumn(when()...)) to sort out the results.

Splitting and merging dataframes seems to really kills my app performance.  I'm 
not sure if it's a spark 1.5 thing or what, but I just refactored one column to 
do one less split/merge, and it saved me almost half the time on my job.  But 
for some use cases I don't seem to be able to avoid them.  It is important in 
some cases to NOT do a join under certain conditions for a row because bad data 
will result.

Any other thoughts?

From: Nicholas Hakobian 
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2016 2:12:40 PM
To: Sesterhenn, Mike
Cc: ayan guha;<>

Subject: Re: Best way to process lookup ETL with Dataframes

It looks like Spark 1.5 has the coalesce function, which is like NVL, but a bit 
more flexible. From Ayan's example you should be able to use:
coalesce(b.col, c.col, 'some default')

If that doesn't have the flexibility you want, you can always use nested case 
or if statements, but its just harder to read.

Nicholas Szandor Hakobian, Ph.D.
Senior Data Scientist
Rally Health<>

On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 7:46 AM, Sesterhenn, Mike 
<<>> wrote:

Thanks, but is nvl() in Spark 1.5?  I can't find it in spark.sql.functions 

Reading about the Oracle nvl function, it seems it is similar to the na 
functions.  Not sure it will help though, because what I need is to join after 
the first join fails.

From: ayan guha <<>>
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2016 11:06 PM
To: Sesterhenn, Mike
Subject: Re: Best way to process lookup ETL with Dataframes

How about this -

select a.*, nvl(b.col,nvl(c.col,'some default'))
from driving_table a
left outer join lookup1 b on<><>
left outer join lookup2 c on<>=c,id


On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Sesterhenn, Mike 
<<>> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm writing an ETL process with Spark 1.5, and I was wondering the best way to 
do something.

A lot of the fields I am processing require an algorithm similar to this:

Join input dataframe to a lookup table.

if (that lookup fails (the joined fields are null)) {

    Lookup into some other table to join some other fields.


With Dataframes, it seems the only way to do this is to do something like this:

Join input dataframe to a lookup table.

if (that lookup fails (the joined fields are null)) {

   *SPLIT the dataframe into two DFs via DataFrame.filter(),

      one group with successful lookup, the other failed).*

   For failed lookup:  {

       Lookup into some other table to grab some other fields.


   *MERGE the dataframe splits back together via DataFrame.unionAll().*

I'm seeing some really large execution plans as you might imagine in the Spark 
Ui, and the processing time seems way out of proportion with the size of the 
dataset.  (~250GB in 9 hours).

Is this the best approach to implement an algorithm like this?  Note also that 
some fields I am implementing require multiple staged split/merge steps due to 
cascading lookup joins.


Michael Sesterhenn<>

Best Regards,
Ayan Guha

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