
Given training and predictions are two different applications, I typically
save model objects to hdfs and load it back during prediction map stages.

On Fri, 13 Jan 2017 at 5:39 am, Sumona Routh <sumos...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been working with Spark mllib 2.0.2 RandomForestClassificationModel.
> I encountered two frustrating issues and would really appreciate some
> advice:
> 1)  RandomForestClassificationModel is effectively not serializable (I
> assume it's referencing something that can't be serialized, since it itself
> extends serializable), so I ended up with the well-known exception:
> org.apache.spark.SparkException: Task not serializable.
> Basically, my original intention was to pass the model as a parameter
> because which model we use is dynamic based on what record we are
> predicting on.
> Has anyone else encountered this? Is this currently being addressed? I
> would expect objects from Spark's own libraries be able to be used
> seamlessly in their applications without these types of exceptions.
> 2) The RandomForestClassificationModel.load method appears to hang
> indefinitely when executed from inside a map function (which I assume is
> passed to the executor). So, I basically cannot load a model from a worker.
> We have multiple "profiles" that use differently trained models, which are
> accessed from within a map function to run predictions on different sets of
> data.
> The thread that is hanging has this as the latest (most pertinent) code:
> org.apache.spark.ml.util.DefaultParamsReader$.loadMetadata(ReadWrite.scala:391)
> Looking at the code in github, it appears that it is calling sc.textFile.
> I could not find anything stating that this particular function would not
> work from within a map function.
> Are there any suggestions as to how I can get this model to work on a real
> production job (either by allowing it to be serializable and passed around
> or loaded from a worker)?
> I've extenisvely POCed this model (saving, loading, transforming,
> training, etc.), however this is the first time I'm attempting to use it
> from within a real application.
> Sumona

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