I think I made a mistake...I would need at least N/2 + 1 nodes available
all the time to reach quorum and be able do leader election within
zookeeper ensemble

Given that I don't know ahead of time which availability zone is going to
go down I guess I cant really tolerate one AZ going down within the two
availability zones that are available in my DC.

On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 5:37 PM, kant kodali <kanth...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How many spark masters and zookeeper servers do I need to tolerate one
> failure in one DC that has two availability zones ? Note: The one failure
> that I want to tolerate can be in either availability zone.
> Here is my understanding so far. please correct me If I am wrong?
> for Zookeeper I would need 2F+1 server to tolerate F failures so in my
> case that would be 3 however If one of the availability zone is down then I
> would be left with only one zookeeper server (assuming the AZ that has two
> zookeeper servers goes down) therefore I would need at least 4 zookeeper
> servers two on each availability zone to tolerate a failure of one node and
> to tolerate a failure of one availability zone.
> And the number of spark master(standalone mode) would be 2. one on each
> availability zone such that if one of the spark master in one of
> availability zones or the entire availability zone goes down  the zookeeper
> ensemble will be ale to elect the spark master.
> Is this correct so far?
> Thanks,
> kant

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