If I understand correctly, you need to create a UDF (if you are using java
Extend appropriate UDF e.g. UDF1, UDF2 ..etc depending on number of
arguments and have this static list as a member variable in your class.

You can use this udf as filter in your stream directly.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 8:59 PM, nitishdeshpande [via Apache Spark User
List] <ml-node+s1001560n28412...@n3.nabble.com> wrote:

> I have a situation where I have to filter data-points in a stream based on
> some condition involving a reference to external data. I have loaded up the
> external data in a Dataframe (so that I get to query on it using SQL
> interface). But when I tried to query on Dataframe I see that we cannot
> access it inside the transform (filter) function. (sample code below)
>  // DStream is created and temp table called 'locations' is registered
>     dStream.filter(dp => {
>              val responseDf = sqlContext.sql("select location from
> locations where id='001'")
>              responseDf.show()  //nothing is displayed
>              // some condition evaluation using responseDf
>              true
>     })
> Am I doing something wrong? If yes, then what would be a better approach
> to load external data in-memory and query it during stream transformation
> stage.
> Link to S.O question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42362012/spark-
> streaming-using-external-data-during-stream-transformation
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