More info,I have imported the implicitics of sparksession.

Date: 2017/3/17 11:48:43
To: "user"<>;
Subject: RDD can not convert to df, thanks

hi all,

when i try to convert rdd to DF, I meet errors like belowing:

value toDF is not a member of org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[XXXXX]
possible causer:may be a semicolon is missing before value toDF

My code looks like:

spark.textfile(xxxx).map(s=>_.split(".")).map(  s=>AAA(1,2)).toDF

the code can pass the compile but when run, it meet errors.

AAA is my defined case class.
my spark is 2.11.

Would any one can help me please?

thanks advanced.


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