Hi All,

I have the following question.

Imagine there is a DStream of JSON strings coming in and I apply few
different filters in parallel on the same DStream (so these filters are not
applied one after the other). For Example here is the Pseudo code if that

dstream.filter(x -> { check for certain set of keys }) -> filteredStream1

dstream.filter(x -> { check for another set of keys}) -> filteredStream2

but I cannot do dstream.filter(x -> { check for certain set of keys
}).filter(x -> { check for another set of keys})

now I want to be able to count number of elements in  filteredStream1 and
filteredStream2 and combine the result into one message as follows

{"filteredStream1" : 50,  "filteredStream2": 25}

Any easy way to do this such as leveraging rdd.count across streams or
should I use mapToPair and reduceByKey?


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