Hi Mathew, thanks for answering this, I've also tried with a simple case
class and it works fine.
I'm using this case class structure, which is failing:

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Calendar

import scala.annotation.tailrec

trait TabbedToString {
  _: Product =>
  override def toString: String =

  private def excludeSome(s: String): String = {
    val someIdx = s.indexOf("Some(")
    if (someIdx < 0) {
    } else {
      val endIdx = s.indexOf(")", someIdx)
      excludeSome(s.substring(0, someIdx + 5) + s.substring(endIdx + 1))

case class PartialCallEndModule(failoverCorrelationId: String = null)
extends TabbedToString

case class PartialCallBeginModule(failoverCorrelationId: String = null)
  extends TabbedToString

case class CallingPartyAddress(callingPartyAddress: String) extends

case class EarlyMedia(sdpOfferTimestamp: String= null,
                      sdpAnswerTimestamp: String= null,
                      earlyMediaSdp: String= null,
                      earlyMediaInitiatorFlag: String = null) extends

case class MessageBody(bodyContentType: String= null,
                       bodyContentLength: String= null,
                       bodyContentDisposition: String= null, bodyOriginator:
                       String = null) extends TabbedToString

case class TgppModule(primaryDeviceLinePort: String= null,
                      calledAssertedIdentity: String= null,
                      calledAssertedPresentationIndicator: String= null,
                      sdp: String= null, mediaInitiatorFlag: String= null,
                      earlyMediaList: Array[EarlyMedia],
                      messageBodyList: Array[MessageBody],
                      sipErrorCode: String = null,
                      callingPartyAddressList: Array[CallingPartyAddress])
  extends TabbedToString

case class CorrelationInfo(key: String= null, creator: String= null,
                           originatorNetwork: String= null,
                           terminatorNetwork: String= null,
                           otherInfoInPCV: String = null) extends

case class IpModule(route: String= null, networkCallID: String= null,
                    codec: String= null, accessDeviceAddress: String= null,
                    accessCallID: String= null, accessNetworkInfo: String=
                    correlationInfo: CorrelationInfo= null,
                    chargingFunctionAddresses: String= null,
                    codecUsage: String= null, routingNumber: String= null,
                    pCamelLocInfo: String= null,
                    pCamelMscAddress: String= null,
                    pCamelCellIDorLAI: String= null, userAgent: String=
                    gets: String = null) extends TabbedToString

case class Location(location: String, locationType: String)
  extends TabbedToString

case class LocationInformation(location: Location = null, locationType:
String = null)

case class Host(group: String= null, userId: String= null,
                userNumber: String= null,
                groupNumber: String = null) extends TabbedToString

case class FlexibleSeatingHost(hostGroup: String= null, hostUserId: String=
null, hostUserNumber: String= null,
                               hostGroupNumber:String = null)

case class ServiceExtension(serviceName: String= null,
                            invocationTime: String= null, facResult:
String= null,
                            host: Host= null, pushToTalk: String= null,
                            relatedCallId: String= null,
                            mediaSelection: String= null,
                            action: String= null, result: String= null,
                    `type`: String= null,
                            startTime: String= null, stopTime: String= null,
                            confId: String= null,
                            locationActivationResult: String= null,
                            locationDeactivationResult: String= null,
                            callRetrieveResult: String= null,
                            charge: String= null,
                            currency: String= null, time: String= null,
                            sum: String= null, callBridgeResult: String=
                            nightServiceActivationMOResult: String= null,
                            nightServiceDeactivationMOResult: String= null,
                            forcedForwardingActivationResult: String= null,
                            forcedForwardingDeactivationResult: String=
                            outgoingCallCenterCallFACResult: String= null,
                            outgoingPersonalCallFACResult: String= null,
                            outgoingCallCenterPhoneNumber: String= null,
                            outgoingCallCenterUserId: String= null,
                            outgoingCallCenterGroupNumber: String= null,
                            routingNumber: String= null,
                            preAlertingDuration: String= null,
                            conferenceId: String= null,
                            role: String= null, bridge: String= null,
                            owner: String= null, ownerDN: String= null,
                            title: String= null,
                            projectCode: String= null,
                            recordingDuration: String= null,
                            transactionId: String= null,
                            mobilityNumber: String= null,
                            mobilityRoutingNumber: String= null,
                            recordingTrigger: String= null,
                            recordingDestination: String= null,
                            recordingResult: String= null,
                            sccCallId: String= null, sccNumber: String=
                            sccCause: String= null, targetHungGroupId:
String= null,
                            flexibleSeatingHost: FlexibleSeatingHost =
null) extends TabbedToString

case class CenterxModule(group: String= null, department: String= null,
                         accountCode: String= null,
                         authorizationCode: String= null,
                         cbfAuthorizationCode: String= null,
                         callingPartyCategory: String= null,
                         outsideAccessCode: String= null,
                         originalCalledNumber: String= null,
                         originalCalledNumberContext: String= null,
                         originalCalledPresentationIndicator: String= null,
                         originalCalledReason: String= null,
                         redirectingNumber: String= null,
                         redirectingNumberContext: String= null,
                         redirectingPresentationIndicator: String= null,
                         redirectingReason: String= null,
                         trunkGroupName: String= null,
                         trunkGroupInfo: String= null, chargeNumber:
String= null,
                         relatedCallId: String= null,
                         relatedCallIdReason: String= null,
                         faxMessaging: String= null,
                         twoStageDiallingDigits: String= null,
                         recallType: String= null,
                         originationMethod: String= null,
                         serviceExtensionList: Array[ServiceExtension],
                         prepaidStatus: String= null,
                         configurableCLID: String= null,
                         virtualOnNetType: String= null,
                         officeZone: String= null, primaryZone: String=
                         roamingMscAddress: String= null,
                         customSchemaVersion: String= null,
                         locationList: Array[Location],
                         locationUsage: String= null, cicInsertedAsCac:
                         = null, extTrackingId: String = null) extends

case class RecordId(eventCounter: String, systemId: String, date:
String, systemTimeZone: String) extends TabbedToString

case class HeaderModule(recordId: RecordId, serviceProvider: String = null,
`type`: String)
  extends TabbedToString

case class BasicModule(userNumber: String = null, groupNumber: String =
                       direction: String= null, asCallType: String= null,
callingNumber: String= null,
                       callingNumberContext: String= null,
                       callingPresentationNumber: String= null,
                       callingPresentationNumberContext: String= null,
                       callingAssertedNumber: String= null,
                       callingAssertedNumberContext: String= null,
                       dialableCallingNumber: String= null,
                       callingPresentationIndicator:String= null,
                       dialedDigits: String= null,
                       dialedDigitsContext: String= null,
                       calledNumber: String= null,
                       calledNumberContext: String= null,
                       networkTranslatedNumber: String= null,
                       networkTranslatedNumberContext: String= null,
                       networkTranslatedGroup: String= null,
                       startTime: String= null, userTimeZone: String= null,
                       localCallId: String= null, remoteCallId: String=
                       answerIndicator: String= null,
                       answerTime: String= null, releaseTime: String= null,
                       terminationCause: String= null,
                      q850Cause: String= null,
                       carrierIdentificationCode: String= null,
                       callCategory: String= null, networkCallType: String=
                       chargeIndicator: String= null, typeOfNetwork:
String= null,
                       releasingParty: String= null,
                       userId: String= null, otherPartyName: String= null,
                       otherPartyNamePresentationIndicator: String= null,
                       clidPermitted: String= null,
                       receivedCallingNumber: String= null, namePermitted:
                       String = null) extends TabbedToString

// enriched classes

case class CompletedCDRs(completed: List[RichCDR], incompleted: List[CDR])

case class DonoUnidadeTelefonica(id: Long,
                                 nome: String)

case class CDR(headerModule: HeaderModule, basicModule: BasicModule = null,
               centerxModule: CenterxModule = null , ipModule: IpModule =
               tgppModule: TgppModule = null,
               partialCallBeginModule: PartialCallBeginModule = null,
               partialCallEndModule: PartialCallEndModule = null) extends

2017-05-09 4:54 GMT-03:00 Matthew cao <cybea...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I have tried simple test like this:
> case class A(id: Long)
> val sample = spark.range(0,10).as[A]
> sample.createOrReplaceTempView("sample")
> val df = spark.emptyDataset[A]
> val df1 = spark.sql("select * from sample").as[A]
> df.union(df1)
> It runs ok. And for nullabillity I thought that issue has been fixed:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-18058
> I think you can check your spark version and schema of dataset again? Hope
> this help.
> Best,
> On 2017年5月9日, at 04:56, Dirceu Semighini Filho <dirceu.semigh...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Ok, great,
> Well I havn't provided a good example of what I'm doing. Let's assume that
> my case  class is
> case class A(tons of fields, with sub classes)
> val df = sqlContext.sql("select * from a").as[A]
> val df2 = spark.emptyDataset[A]
> df.union(df2)
> This code will throw the exception.
> Is this expected? I assume that when I do as[A] it will convert the schema
> to the case class schema, and it shouldn't throw the exception, or this
> will be done lazy when the union is been processed?
> 2017-05-08 17:50 GMT-03:00 Burak Yavuz <brk...@gmail.com>:
>> Yes, unfortunately. This should actually be fixed, and the union's schema
>> should have the less restrictive of the DataFrames.
>> On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 12:46 PM, Dirceu Semighini Filho <
>> dirceu.semigh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> HI Burak,
>>> By nullability you mean that if I have the exactly the same schema, but
>>> one side support null and the other doesn't, this exception (in union
>>> dataset) will be thrown?
>>> 2017-05-08 16:41 GMT-03:00 Burak Yavuz <brk...@gmail.com>:
>>>> I also want to add that generally these may be caused by the
>>>> `nullability` field in the schema.
>>>> On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 12:25 PM, Shixiong(Ryan) Zhu <
>>>> shixi...@databricks.com> wrote:
>>>>> This is because RDD.union doesn't check the schema, so you won't see
>>>>> the problem unless you run RDD and hit the incompatible column problem. 
>>>>> For
>>>>> RDD, You may not see any error if you don't use the incompatible column.
>>>>> Dataset.union requires compatible schema. You can print ds.schema and
>>>>> ds1.schema and check if they are same.
>>>>> On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Dirceu Semighini Filho <
>>>>> dirceu.semigh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I've a very complex case class structure, with a lot of fields.
>>>>>> When I try to union two datasets of this class, it doesn't work with
>>>>>> the following error :
>>>>>> ds.union(ds1)
>>>>>> Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException:
>>>>>> Union can only be performed on tables with the compatible column types
>>>>>> But when use it's rdd, the union goes right:
>>>>>> ds.rdd.union(ds1.rdd)
>>>>>> res8: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[
>>>>>> Is there any reason for this to happen (besides a bug ;) )

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