Hi Spark community,

I'd like to announce a new release of GraphFrames, a Spark Package for
DataFrame-based graphs!

*We strongly encourage all users to use this latest release for the bug fix
described below.*

*Critical bug fix*
This release fixes a bug in indexing vertices.  This may have affected your
results if:
* your graph uses non-Integer IDs and
* you use ConnectedComponents and other algorithms which are wrappers
around GraphX.
The bug occurs when the input DataFrame is non-deterministic. E.g., running
an algorithm on a DataFrame just loaded from disk should be fine in
previous releases, but running that algorithm on a DataFrame produced using
shuffling, unions, and other operators can cause incorrect results. This
issue is fixed in this release.

*New features*
* Python API for aggregateMessages for building custom graph algorithms
* Scala API for parallel personalized PageRank, wrapping the GraphX
implementation. This is only available when using GraphFrames with Spark

Support for Spark 1.6, 2.0, and 2.1

*Special thanks to Felix Cheung for his work as a new committer for

*Full release notes*:
*Docs*: http://graphframes.github.io/
*Spark Package*: https://spark-packages.org/package/graphframes/graphframes
*Source*: https://github.com/graphframes/graphframes

Thanks to all contributors and to the community for feedback!


Joseph Bradley

Software Engineer - Machine Learning

Databricks, Inc.

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