Hello, I have an update here.  spark SQL is pushing predicates down, if I load 
the orc files in spark Context and Is not the same when I try to read hive 
Table directly.please let me know if i am missing something here. Is this 
supported in spark  ?  when I load the files in spark Context 
scala> val hhhhhlogsv5 = 
17/10/24 16:11:15 INFO OrcRelation: Listing 
maprfs:///user/hive/warehouse/hhhhhlogsv5 on driver
17/10/24 16:11:15 INFO OrcRelation: Listing 
maprfs:///user/hive/warehouse/hhhhhlogsv5/cdt=20171003 on driver
17/10/24 16:11:15 INFO OrcRelation: Listing 
maprfs:///user/hive/warehouse/hhhhhlogsv5/cdt=20171003/catpartkey=others on 
17/10/24 16:11:15 INFO OrcRelation: Listing 
 on driver
hhhhhlogsv5: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: string, chn: string, ht: 
string, br: string, rg: string, cat: int, scat: int, usr: string, org: string, 
act: int, ctm: int, c1: string, c2: string, c3: string, d1: int, d2: int, doc: 
binary, cdt: int, catpartkey: string, usrpartkey: string]scala> 
hhhhhlogsv5.registerTempTable("tempo")scala> sqlContext.sql ( "selecT id from 
tempo where cdt=20171003 and usrpartkey = 'hhhUsers' and usr='AA0YP' order by 
id desc limit 10" ).explain
17/10/24 16:11:22 INFO ParseDriver: Parsing command: selecT id from tempo where 
cdt=20171003 and usrpartkey = 'hhhUsers' and usr='AA0YP' order by id desc limit 
17/10/24 16:11:22 INFO ParseDriver: Parse Completed
17/10/24 16:11:22 INFO DataSourceStrategy: Selected 1 partitions out of 1, 
pruned 0.0% partitions.
17/10/24 16:11:22 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_6 stored as values in 
memory (estimated size 164.5 KB, free 468.0 KB)
17/10/24 16:11:22 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_6_piece0 stored as bytes in 
memory (estimated size 18.3 KB, free 486.4 KB)
17/10/24 16:11:22 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_6_piece0 in memory on (size: 18.3 KB, free: 511.4 MB)
17/10/24 16:11:22 INFO SparkContext: Created broadcast 6 from explain at 
17/10/24 16:11:22 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_7 stored as values in 
memory (estimated size 170.2 KB, free 656.6 KB)
17/10/24 16:11:22 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_7_piece0 stored as bytes in 
memory (estimated size 18.8 KB, free 675.4 KB)
17/10/24 16:11:22 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_7_piece0 in memory on (size: 18.8 KB, free: 511.4 MB)
17/10/24 16:11:22 INFO SparkContext: Created broadcast 7 from explain at 
== Physical Plan ==
TakeOrderedAndProject(limit=10, orderBy=[id#145 DESC], output=[id#145])
+- ConvertToSafe
+- Project [id#145]
+- Filter (usr#152 = AA0YP)
+- Scan OrcRelation[id#145,usr#152] InputPaths: 
maprfs:///user/hive/warehouse/hhhhhlogsv5, PushedFilters: [EqualTo(usr,AA0YP)]
 when i read this as hive Table 
 scala> sqlContext.sql ( "selecT id from hhhhhlogsv5 where cdt=20171003 and 
usrpartkey = 'hhhUsers' and usr='AA0YP' order by id desc limit 10" ).explain
17/10/24 16:11:32 INFO ParseDriver: Parsing command: selecT id from hhhhhlogsv5 
where cdt=20171003 and usrpartkey = 'hhhUsers' and usr='AA0YP' order by id desc 
limit 10
17/10/24 16:11:32 INFO ParseDriver: Parse Completed
17/10/24 16:11:32 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_8 stored as values in 
memory (estimated size 399.1 KB, free 1074.6 KB)
17/10/24 16:11:32 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_8_piece0 stored as bytes in 
memory (estimated size 42.7 KB, free 1117.2 KB)
17/10/24 16:11:32 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_8_piece0 in memory on (size: 42.7 KB, free: 511.4 MB)
17/10/24 16:11:32 INFO SparkContext: Created broadcast 8 from explain at 
== Physical Plan ==
TakeOrderedAndProject(limit=10, orderBy=[id#192 DESC], output=[id#192])
+- ConvertToSafe
+- Project [id#192]
+- Filter (usr#199 = AA0YP)
+- HiveTableScan [id#192,usr#199], MetastoreRelation default, hhhhhlogsv5, 
None, [(cdt#189 = 20171003),(usrpartkey#191 = hhhUsers)]
  please let me know if i am missing anything here. thank you 

    On Monday, October 23, 2017 1:56 PM, Siva Gudavalli <gss.su...@gmail.com> 

 Hello, I am working with Spark SQL to query Hive Managed Table (in Orc Format) 
I have my data organized by partitions and asked to set indexes for each 50,000 
Rows by setting ('orc.row.index.stride'='50000')  lets say -> after evaluating 
partition there are around 50 files in which data is organized. Each file 
contains data specific to one given "cat" and I have set up a bloom filter on 
my spark SQL query looks like this -> select * from logs where cdt= 20171002 
and catpartkey= others and usrpartkey= logUsers and cat = 24;
 I have set following property in my spark Sql context and assuming this will 
push down the filters 
sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.orc.filterPushdown", "true")
 Never my filters are being pushed down. and it seems like partition pruning is 
happening on all files. I dont understand no matter what my query is, it is 
triggering 50 tasks and reading all files.  Here is my debug logs ->  
17/10/23 17:26:43 DEBUG Inode: >Inode Open file: 
 size: 401517212, chunkSize: 268435456, fid: 2052.225472.4786362
17/10/23 17:26:43 DEBUG OrcInputFormat: No ORC pushdown predicate
17/10/23 17:26:43 INFO OrcRawRecordMerger: min key = null, max key = null
17/10/23 17:26:43 INFO ReaderImpl: Reading ORC rows from 
 with {include: [true, true, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, 
false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false], offset: 0, 
length: 9223372036854775807}
17/10/23 17:26:43 DEBUG MapRClient: Open: path = 
17/10/23 17:26:43 DEBUG Inode: >Inode Open file: 
 size: 401517212, chunkSize: 268435456, fid: 2052.225472.4786362
17/10/23 17:26:43 DEBUG RecordReaderImpl: chunks = [range start: 67684 end: 
15790993, range start: 21131541 end: 21146035]
17/10/23 17:26:43 DEBUG RecordReaderImpl: merge = [data range [67684, 
15790993), size: 15723309 type: array-backed, data range [21131541, 21146035), 
size: 14494 type: array-backed]
17/10/23 17:26:43 DEBUG Utilities: Hive Conf not found or Session not 
initiated, use thread based class loader instead
17/10/23 17:26:43 DEBUG HadoopTableReader: 
17/10/23 17:26:43 DEBUG GeneratePredicate: Generated predicate '(input[1, 
IntegerType] = 27)':
 and here is my execution plan 
== Parsed Logical Plan ==
'Limit 1000
+- 'Sort ['id DESC], true
+- 'Project [unresolvedalias('id)]
+- 'Filter (((('cdt = 20171002) && ('catpartkey = others)) && ('usrpartkey = 
logUsers)) && ('cat = 27))
+- 'UnresolvedRelation `auditlogsv5`, None== Analyzed Logical Plan ==
id: string
Limit 1000
+- Sort [id#165 DESC], true
+- Project [id#165]
+- Filter ((((cdt#162 = 20171002) && (catpartkey#163 = others)) && 
(usrpartkey#164 = logUsers)) && (cat#170 = 27))
+- MetastoreRelation default, auditlogsv5, None== Optimized Logical Plan ==
Limit 1000
+- Sort [id#165 DESC], true
+- Project [id#165]
+- Filter ((((cdt#162 = 20171002) && (catpartkey#163 = others)) && 
(usrpartkey#164 = logUsers)) && (cat#170 = 27))
+- MetastoreRelation default, auditlogsv5, None== Physical Plan ==
TakeOrderedAndProject(limit=1000, orderBy=[id#165 DESC], output=[id#165])
+- ConvertToSafe
+- Project [id#165]
+- Filter (cat#170 = 27)
+- HiveTableScan [id#165,cat#170], MetastoreRelation default, logs, None, 
[(cdt#162 = 20171002),(catpartkey#163 = others),(usrpartkey#164 = logUsers)]
  Am I missing something here. I am on spark 1.6.1 and hive 1.2.0 please 
correct me. Thank you


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