Thank you for the reply.

I am not a Spark expert but I was reading through the code and I thought
that the state was changed from SUBMITTED to RUNNING only after executors
(CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend) were registered.

As you mentioned that Launcher has no idea about executors, probably my
understanding is not correct.

SparkListener is an option but it has its own pitfalls. 
1) If I use spark.extraListeners, I get all the events but I cannot
customize the Listener, since I have to pass the class as a string to
2) If I use context.addSparkListener, I can customize the listener but then
I miss the onApplicationStart event. Also, I don't know the Spark's logic to
changing the state of application from WAITING -> RUNNING.

Maybe you can answer,
If I have a Spark job which needs 3 executors and cluster can only provide 1
executor, will the application be in WAITING or RUNNING ?
If I know the Spark's logic then I can program something with
SparkListener.onExecutorAdded event to correctly figure out the state.

One other alternate can be to use Spark Master Json (http://<>:8080/json),
but the problem with this is that it returns everything and I was not able
to find any way to filter ......

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