
Please try to use the SPARK UI from the way that AWS EMR recommends, it
should be available from the resource manager. I never ever had any problem

Sadly, I cannot be of much help unless we go for a screen share session
over google chat or skype.

Also, I ALWAYS prefer the maximize Resource Allocation setting in EMR to be
set to true.

Besides that, there is a metrics in the EMR console which shows the number
of containers getting generated by your job on graphs.

Gourav Sengupta

On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 6:23 PM, Jeroen Miller <bluedasya...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> Just a quick update as I did not made much progress yet.
> On 28 Dec 2017, at 21:09, Gourav Sengupta <gourav.sengu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > can you try to then use the EMR version 5.10 instead or EMR version 5.11
> instead?
> Same issue with EMR 5.11.0. Task 0 in one stage never finishes.
> > can you please try selecting a subnet which is in a different
> availability zone?
> I did not try this yet. But why should that make a difference?
> > if possible just try to increase the number of task instances and see
> the difference?
> I tried with 512 partitions -- no difference.
> > also in case you are using caching,
> No caching used.
> > Also can you please report the number of containers that your job is
> creating by looking at the metrics in the EMR console?
> 8 containers if I trust the directories in j-xxx/containers/application_
> xxx/.
> > Also if you see the spark UI then you can easily see which particular
> step is taking the longest period of time - you just have to drill in a bit
> in order to see that. Generally in case shuffling is an issue then it
> definitely appears in the SPARK UI as I drill into the steps and see which
> particular one is taking the longest.
> I always have issues with the Spark UI on EC2 -- it never seems to be up
> to date.
> JM

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