1st Approach:

error :  value split is not a member of org.apache.spark.sql.Row?

val newRdd = spark.read.text("/xyz/a/b/filename").rdd

anotherRDD = newRdd.
    map(ip =>ip.split("\\|")).map(ip => Row(if (ip(0).isEmpty()) {
null.asInstanceOf[Int] }
                                                    else ip(0).toInt, ip(1),
ip(2), ip(3), ip(4), ip(5))
I'm getting the error in the  line 'ip.split("\\|")' value split is not a
member of org.apache.spark.sql.Row?
Another approach:
 error:"java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string:
 val newRdd = spark.read.text("/xyz/a/b/filename").rdd

anotherRDD = newRdd.
    map(ip =>ip.toString().split("\\|")).map(ip => Row(if (ip(0).isEmpty())
{ null.asInstanceOf[Int] }
                                                    else ip(0).toInt, ip(1),
ip(2), ip(3), ip(4), ip(5))
In this case I'm getting the error "java.lang.NumberFormatException: For
input string: ""                                                                

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