This is usually caused by skew. Sometimes you can work around it by in
creasing the number of partitions like you tried, but when that doesn’t
work you need to change the partitioning that you’re using.

If you’re aggregating, try adding an intermediate aggregation. For example,
if your query is select sum(x), a from t group by a, then try select
sum(partial), a from (select sum(x) as partial, a, b from t group by a, b)
group by a.


On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 4:21 AM, Pralabh Kumar <>

> Hi
> I am getting the above error in Spark SQL . I have increase (using 5000 )
> number of partitions but still getting the same error .
> My data most probably is skew.
> org.apache.spark.shuffle.FetchFailedException: Too large frame: 4247124829
>       at 
>       at 

Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

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