
   Lately, I encountered a problem, when I was writing as structured streaming 
job to write things into opentsdb.
  The write-stream part looks something like 

          .trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime(s"$triggerSeconds seconds"))
          .foreach {
              MongoProp(mongoUrl, mongoPort, mongoUser, mongoPassword, 
mongoDatabase, mongoCollection,mongoAuthenticationDatabase)

    And when I check the checkpoint dir, I discover that the 
"/checkpoint/state" dir  is empty. I looked into the executor's log and found 
that the HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider didn't write anything on the checkpoint 

   Strange thing is, when I replace the "coalesce" function into "repartition" 
function, the problem solved. Is there a difference between these two functions 
when using structured streaming?

  Looking forward to you help, thanks.

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