Dear Spark Users,

I came across little weird MSSQL Query to replace with Spark and I am like
no clue how to do it in an efficient way with Scala + SparkSQL. Can someone
please throw light. I can create view of DataFrame and do it as
*spark.sql *(query)
but I would like to do it with Scala + Spark way.


*select a.student_id,a.candidate_id, a.student_name, a.student_standard,
a.student_city, b.teacher_name, a.student_status ,a.approval_id, case when
a.approval_id = 2 and (a.academic_start_date is nulland not exists (select
student_id from tbl_student where candidate_id = c.candidate_id and
approval_id = 2and academic_start_date is null)) then 'Yes'else 'No'end as
is_currentfrom tbl_student a inner join tbl_teacher b on a.candidate_id =
b.candidate_id inner join tbl_network con c.candidate_id = a.candidate_id*

Thank you.

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