create the ramdisk: mount tmpfs /mnt/spark -t tmpfs -o size=2G then point 
spark.local.dir to the ramdisk, which depends on your deployment strategy, for 
me it was through SparkConf object before passing it to SparkContext: 
conf.set("spark.local.dir","/mnt/spark") To validate that spark is actually 
using your ramdisk (by default it uses /tmp), ls the ramdisk after running some 
jobs and you should see spark directories (with date on directory name) on your 
ramdisk Sent using Zoho Mail ---- On Wed, 17 Oct 2018 18:57:14 +0330 ☼ R Nair 
<> wrote ---- What are the steps to configure this? 
Thanks On Wed, Oct 17, 2018, 9:39 AM onmstester onmstester 
<> wrote: Hi, I failed to config spark for in-memory 
shuffle so currently just using linux memory mapped directory (tmpfs) as 
working directory of spark, so everything is fast Sent using Zoho Mail

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