Hi Jorn,

I am using Apache Spark 2.3.1.

For creating the parquet file I have used Apache Parquet (parquet-mr) 1.10.
This does not match the version of parquet used in Apache Spark 2.3.1 and if
you think that this could be the problem I could try to use Apache Parquet
version 1.8.3.

I created a parquet file using Apache Spark SQL types, but can not make the
resulting schema to match the schema described in the paper.

What I do is to use Spark SQL array type for repeated values. For example,
where papers says

    repeated int64 Backward;

I use array type:

    StructField("Backward", ArrayType(IntegerType(), containsNull=False),
The resulting schema, reported by parquet-tools is:

    optional group backward (LIST) {
      repeated group list {
        required int32 element;

Lubomir Chorbadjiev

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