Hi Kant,

You can try "explaining" the sql query.

spark.sql(sqlText).explain(true); //the parameter true is to get more
verbose query plan and it is optional.

This is the safest way to validate sql without actually executing/creating
a df/view in spark. It validates syntax as well as schema of tables/views
If there is an issue with your SQL syntax then the method throws below
exception that you can catch


Hope this helps!

Akshay Bhardwaj

On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 10:23 PM kant kodali <kanth...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Is there a way to validate the syntax of raw spark SQL query?
> for example, I would like to know if there is any isValid API call spark
> provides?
> val query = "select * from table"if(isValid(query)) {
>     sparkSession.sql(query) } else {
>     log.error("Invalid Syntax")}
> I tried the following
> val query = "select * morf table" // Invalid queryval parser = 
> spark.sessionState.sqlParsertry{
>     parser.parseExpression(query)} catch (ParseException ex) {
>     throw new Exception(ex); //Exception not getting thrown}Dataset<>Row df = 
> sparkSession.sql(query) // Exception gets thrown here
> df.writeStream.format("console").start()
> Question: parser.parseExpression is not catching the invalid syntax
> before I hit the sparkSession.sql. Other words it is not being helpful in
> the above code. any reason? My whole goal is to catch syntax errors before
> I pass it on to sparkSession.sql

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