so you want data from one physical partition in the disk to go to only one

On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 5:38 PM Tomas Bartalos <>

> Hello,
> I have partitioned parquet files based on "event_hour" column.
> After reading parquet files to spark:
> Files from the same parquet partition are scattered in many spark
> partitions.
> Example of mapping spark partition -> parquet partition:
> Spark partition 1 -> 2019050101, 2019050102, 2019050103
> Spark partition 2 -> 2019050101, 2019050103, 2019050104
> ...
> Spark partition 20 -> 2019050101, ...
> Spark partition 21 -> 2019050101, ...
> As you can see parquet partition 2019050101 is present in Spark partition
> 1, 2, 20, 21.
> As a result when I write out the dataFrame:
> df.write.partitionBy("event_hour").format("parquet").save("...")
>  There are many files created in one parquet partition (In case of our
> example its 4 files, but in reality its much more)
> To speed up queries, my goal is to write 1 file per parquet partition (1
> file per hour).
> So far my only solution is to use repartition:
> df.repartition(col("event_hour"))
> But there is a lot of overhead with unnecessary shuffle. I'd like to force
> spark to "pickup" the parquet partitioning.
> In my investigation I've found
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.FileSourceScanExec#createNonBucketedReadRDD
> <>
> where the initial partitioning is happening based on file sizes. There is
> an explicit ordering which causes parquet partition shuffle.
> thank you for your help,
> Tomas

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