I am using Spark on Kubernetes from Spark 2.4.3. I have created a 
log4j.properties file in my local spark/conf directory and modified it so that 
the console (or, in the case of Kubernetes, the log) only shows warnings and 
higher (log4j.rootCategory=WARN, console). I then added the command
COPY conf /opt/spark/conf
to /root/spark/kubernetes/dockerfiles/spark/Dockerfile and built a new 

However, when I run that under Kubernetes, the program runs successfully but 
/opt/spark/conf/log4j.properties is not used (I still see the INFO lines when I 
run kubectl logs <driver pod>).

I have tried other things such as explicitly adding a –properties-file to my 
spark-submit command and even

My log4j.properties file is never seen.

How do I customize log4j.properties with Kubernetes?

Thanks, Dave Jaffe

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