Hi Prudhvi,
not really but we took a drastic approach mitigating this, modifying the
bundled launch script to be more resilient.
In the kubernetes/dockerfiles/spark/entrypoint.sh in the executor case we
added something like that :


    DRIVER_HOST=$(echo $SPARK_DRIVER_URL | cut -d "@" -f 2 | cut -d ":" -f 1

    DRIVER_PORT=$(echo $SPARK_DRIVER_URL | cut -d "@" -f 2 | cut -d ":" -f 2

    for i in $(seq 1 20);


      nc -zvw1 $DRIVER_HOST $DRIVER_PORT


      if [ $status -eq 0 ]


        echo "Driver is accessible, let's rock'n'roll."



        echo "Driver not accessible :-| napping for a while..."

        sleep 3






That way the executor will not start before the driver is really
That's kind of a hack but we did not experience the issue anymore, so I
guess I'll keep it for now.



Le mar. 11 juin 2019 à 18:23, Prudhvi Chennuru (CONT) <
prudhvi.chenn...@capitalone.com> a écrit :

> Hey Oliver,
>                      I am also facing the same issue on my kubernetes
> cluster(v1.11.5)  on AWS with spark version 2.3.3, any luck in figuring out
> the root cause?
> On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 5:37 AM Olivier Girardot <
> o.girar...@lateral-thoughts.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I did not try on another vendor, so I can't say if it's only related to
>> gke, and no, I did not notice anything on the kubelet or kube-dns
>> processes...
>> Regards
>> Le ven. 3 mai 2019 à 03:05, Li Gao <ligao...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>>> hi Olivier,
>>> This seems a GKE specific issue? have you tried on other vendors ? Also
>>> on the kubelet nodes did you notice any pressure on the DNS side?
>>> Li
>>> On Mon, Apr 29, 2019, 5:43 AM Olivier Girardot <
>>> o.girar...@lateral-thoughts.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> I have ~300 spark job on Kubernetes (GKE) using the cluster
>>>> auto-scaler, and sometimes while running these jobs a pretty bad thing
>>>> happens, the driver (in cluster mode) gets scheduled on Kubernetes and
>>>> launches many executor pods.
>>>> So far so good, but the k8s "Service" associated to the driver does not
>>>> seem to be propagated in terms of DNS resolution so all the executor fails
>>>> with a "spark-application-......cluster.svc.local" does not exists.
>>>> All executors failing the driver should be failing too, but it
>>>> considers that it's a "pending" initial allocation and stay stuck forever
>>>> in a loop of "Initial job has not accepted any resources, please check
>>>> Cluster UI"
>>>> Has anyone else observed this king of behaviour ?
>>>> We had it on 2.3.1 and I upgraded to 2.4.1 but this issue still seems
>>>> to exist even after the "big refactoring" in the kubernetes cluster
>>>> scheduler backend.
>>>> I can work on a fix / workaround but I'd like to check with you the
>>>> proper way forward :
>>>>    - Some processes (like the airflow helm recipe) rely on a "sleep
>>>>    30s" before launching the dependent pods (that could be added to
>>>>    /opt/entrypoint.sh used in the kubernetes packing)
>>>>    - We can add a simple step to the init container trying to do the
>>>>    DNS resolution and failing after 60s if it did not work
>>>> But these steps won't change the fact that the driver will stay stuck
>>>> thinking we're still in the case of the Initial allocation delay.
>>>> Thoughts ?
>>>> --
>>>> *Olivier Girardot*
>>>> o.girar...@lateral-thoughts.com
> --
> *Thanks,*
> *Prudhvi Chennuru.*
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*Olivier Girardot* | Associé
+33 6 24 09 17 94

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